Planting laser and
satellite guided machine
Fast and precise!

Laser-controlled spade-type planting machine for traditional and potted
vines which can also be used on difficult soils.
- For rooted and potted
- Direct watering of the
plant (3 liters/plant)
- Planting depths up to
350 mm
- For rows over 800 mm
- Distance between plants
can be adjusted in increments of 50 mm
- Planting capacity:
1,200 – 1,800 plants/h
Wagner IPS-Drive

GPS guided it
offers an unrivalled precision.
Well adapted to
long rooted plants Wagner is specially designed for traditional, tall-stemmed
and potted plants.
- Fully flexible with adaptable width of rows and
space between vine plants,
- Vine support management
The Wagner is at
ease on large surface as well as uneven terrains.
We shall be glad to
provide you with our specialized and experienced team to perform your planting
*We will send you only useful information and advice about vine planting, replacement, rootstocks
and grape-varieties. We never share our database with third party. Spam protected!
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